Category: Broken Hearts
Pain is always there no matter how hard we try to overcome it, but if we just offer it to God it eases us a bit. You can’t ever grow without it. Pain comes in so many forms and it’s inevitable, just decide how to deal with it …
You should never have to apologize for being yourself and if someone wants you to then they don’t accept you.
You always deserve to be treated with respect. Both parties need to be honest, truthful and compliment each other at all times. ~ Jack Wicks Life goes on and sometimes for the best. It may hurt for a while but once you see the other side of someone you …
It is up to you. If you are indeed strong find your way to what you wish your life to be, don’t wait to be walked through. Life suppose to be fun not dealing with unnecessary people and situations. We are already too strong. ~ Krisztina Ilias Everyone comes …
To pick someone up & share your joy with them & slowly lift them back up again is so rewarding. This is our job here, all of us. It is our our one and only purpose. Any other seeming purpose is a distraction from our true goal. This …
The truth is always better than a lie. I have faith, I can handle the truth! ~ Shirley Ramadani I accept the truth is painful than to become a prisoners of a lie. ~ Elysa Amiag When someone tell you the true, they’re your true friends. It doesn’t …